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Layout Pattern Settings

This form is opened from the Master Tool Settings or from the Layout Creator tool (Layout Sheet Assistant form and Layout Editor form).

These settings define the way that a one-up design is laid down and interlocked.


Enter the unique MTS name.


Enter an optional description for these settings.

Layout Pattern Settings - General


Select a preview for the required layout pattern. The options below will update as new patterns are selected.

Row and column rotation

Against Flute/Grain direction

From the pulldown list choose:

  • None - The design will never be rotated in this direction.
  • Always - The design will always be rotated in this direction.
  • Automatic - The design will only be rotated in this direction if the sheet uitilization is improved.

With Flute/Grain direction

From the pulldown list choose:

  • None - The design will never be rotated in this direction.
  • Always - The design will always be rotated in this direction.
  • Automatic - The design will only be rotated in this direction if the sheet uitilization is improved.

Row and column shift


This sets the shift direction of the one-up design when aligning creases in the layout tool. From the pulldown list choose:

  • Against Flute/Grain direction
  • With Flute/Grain direction

Align Creases

Switch this option on if creases should be aligned in the chosen direction.

Grain/Flute alignment


From the pulldown list choose the required option to specify the grain/flute alignment method.

  • None - This option will insert the one-up as it is drawn in the ONE_UP layer.
  • Match - This option will always align the ONE_UP layer grain/flute direction to the selected sheet grain/flute direction.
  • Always rotate - This option will always insert the design with its grain/flute direction perpendicular to the selected sheet grain/flute direction.

Layout Pattern Settings - Options


Interlock against Flute/Grain direction

If checked will allow the designs to interlock in this direction.

Interlock with Flute/Grain direction

If checked will allow the designs to interlock in this direction.

Uniform step and repeat

If checked will always use the largest step value for all rows or columns.

Design Component Gutter


Switch this option on to add a gutter between adjacent designs, measured in the horizontal and vertical directions.

Against Flute/Grain direction

This will determine the size of the gutters in this direction.

With Flute/Grain direction

This will determine the size of the gutters in this direction.

Full perimeter gutter

This option will add a gutter which has an offset around all entities, without sharp corners.

Continuous Perpendicular

Switch this option on to add a gutter that is perpendicular to all entities, not just horizontal and vertical ones.


Enter the required gutter size.


Select the mirroring options for the one-up designs as required:

  • Mirror one-up about x-axis
  • Mirror one-up about y-axis

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