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Machine Attributes - General

This section is used to define the basic machine configuration such as the name Impact will use to reference each machine, the type of machine you are configuring and the type of driver required to make Impact operate the machine correctly.


Machine Attributes - General


A unique name for the plotter machine must be entered. Machine names can only be duplicated in separate machine sub-folders (e.g. a machine name Sample Maker can exist in a sub-folder Design Department and also in Diemaking Department). If a plotter machine setting has been imported from another Impact system with the same name, Impact will automatically append an _1 to the end of the new plotter machine setting.


The description is an optional field to help to distinguish several similar machines; e.g. your machine names might be referred to as Laser 1 and Laser 2, but Laser 1 could be a flatbed laser with a Bosch CC100 controller and Laser 2 could be a rotary laser with a Bosch CC220 controller.


There are ten different machine types supported by Impact. Different tool options are available depending on what type of machine you are configuring. From the pulldown list select the required machine type.

  • Chemical etch machine
  • Counter machine
  • Engraving machine
  • Laser
  • Mount cutter
  • Pick & Place
  • Other
  • Plotter
  • Rule setter machine
  • Sample maker

The machine type does not affect the data that is output by the plot operation.


From the pulldown list select one of the supported drivers suitable for the machine:

  • Benson Plotter
  • BJ Boxer – Sample cutting plotter
  • Bosch CC100 Laser
  • Boxplan Hybrid Pinsetter
  • Boxplan Pinsetter
  • Canon Laser
  • CF2 Driven Plotter
  • Compumotor Water Jet
  • Custom Driver
  • Dale Plotter
  • DXF Driven Plotter
  • General Counter
  • General Laser
  • Heidenhain Engraving Machine
  • HPGL Plotter
  • IBH Laser
  • IBH Plotter
  • Kongsberg Plotter
  • LaserPack
  • mruleset
  • MarbaSet Pick & Place Driver
  • MultiCAM Milling Machine
  • Wild Plotter
  • Windows Printer
  • Zund Cut Centre

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