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Plotter Substitution Codes

Plotter substitution codes can be entered into most text fields in the plotter machine settings. When one of these codes is encountered at output time, it will be substituted with the appropriate value. Following is a list of valid codes together with the associated text:-

 %<a:n1:n2>linear y-size for rotary lasers where %<y> would give an angular value
 %<c:n1:n2>Coefficient for rotary machines
 %<Cutting:n1:n2>Cutting depth for rotary shells
 %<d>Current date
 %<dbf:TABLE.COLUMN>The database value from the given table and column
 %<e>Carriage Return character (ASCII 0D)
 %<f:n>Drawing name in main programme header, block name in sub-programme header
 %<ftn:n>Feedrate table name
 %<ff:n1:n2>Form feed distance for sheet feeder (e.g. Zund plotter)
 %<g>Grain/Flute direction – replaced with the appropriate string from the machine settings (See section on Grain/Flute Direction Strings )
 %<Gn>Custom strings, where n is any positive integer
 %<i>Current time
 %<InsDiam:n1:n2>Inside diameter size for rotary shells
 %<j:n>Project name – used in sub-programme header
 %<KnifeHt:n1:n2>Knife height for rotary shells
 %<l:n>Layer name
 %<m:n>Machine name
 %<n>Newline character (ASCII 0A)
 %<o:n>Post processor name
 %<p>Subroutine number
 %<r:n1:n2>Shell radius for rotary machines
 %<rp>Repeat plot number (e.g. Zund sheet feeder)
 %<s>Overall sizes
 %<t>Delay for a fixed length of time
 %<Tang>Tangential tool angle. Only used in Tool settings : Tool axis
 %<Un>User defined strings, where n is any positive integer
 %<WoodTh:n1:n2>Wood thickness for rotary shells

Formatted strings.

Some strings can have their lengths restricted. For example, %<l:10> means output the first 10 characters of the layer name. If the number is omitted then the whole string is output. For example, %<l> means output the whole of the layer name.

Formatted numbers.

Floating point values can be formatted as required. For example, %<x:6:2> allows 6 spaces for the number including 2 decimal places. These numbers can also be entered without any formatting, such as %<x>.

All of the parameter strings are case insensitive. For example, %<InsDiam> is the same as %<insdiam>.

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