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Select Expression

Select Expression


Enter the unique MTS name.


Enter the description for this setting.

The selection expression is built up using the Qualifier and Operator pull-down menus of the form. As items are chosen from these menus, the syntax is added to the main area of the form.



Use this option to identify all entities (this could be to select or deselect all entities)


Use this option to identify entities with respect to the current Marquee.

  • Totally Inside
  • Totally Outside
  • Partially Inside
  • Partially Outside


This option will open a twin list form with all entity types, such as Arc, Line etc., in the left-hand column. You should move the required types to the right-hand column.


This option lists all palettes that are used in the current block in the left-hand column of a twin list form. You should move the required palettes to the right-hand column.

Palette Type

This option lists all palette types in the left-hand column of a twin list form. You should move the required palettes to the right-hand column.

Secondary Palette

This option lists all palettes that are used in the current block in the left-hand column of a twin list form. You should move the required palettes to the right-hand column.


This option will open a twin list form and display all blocks that are inserted in the current block in the left-hand column. You should move the required blocks to the right-hand column.


This option will open a twin list form and display all symbols that are inserted in the current block in the left-hand column. You should move the required symbols to the right-hand column.


This option is used to identify text entities using their attributes. The following form is displayed:-

Enter the required minimum and maximum values. If both values are left at zero then they will be ignored.


This option is used to identify bridged entities using their bridge data. The following form is displayed:-

Enter the required minimum and maximum values.

Bridge mode

This option will open a twin list and display all bridge modes in the left-hand column. You should move the required modes to the right-hand column.

Manufacturing Details

This option is used to identify entities using their manufacturing details. The following form is displayed:-

Enter the required minimum and maximum values.


This option is used to identify entities using their entity length or arc radius. The following form is displayed:-

Enter the required minimum and maximum values.


This option is used to identify entities using their angle (from start to end points) or the sweep of an arc. The following form is displayed:-

Enter the required minimum and maximum values.


This option is used to identify entities that either overlap or are end to end with other entities. The following form is displayed:-

Switch on the required option(s).


From the drop-down list select the required operator, a parenthesis or change the default And/Or operator. The default operator will be added automatically between successive qualifier expressions.


Press this button to delete all of the entries in the expression.

Clear Last

Press this button to delete the last entry that was added to the expression.

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