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Add Project Variables


It is not uncommon for the need to use variables created in a previously designed parametric design. That’s where Add Project Variables comes in. This tool allows you to import variables from existing parametric designs to be used in a freshly created one.

To use this tool select Add Project Variables and a window into your Project browser will open. Here you will highlight the project that contains the variables you wish to import and click the Select button.

Select Project

Select the Project from which you need the Variables

NOTE: If a material had not been selected prior to this step you will be asked to select one first before proceeding to the Project selection window.

Once the Select button is clicked, a new window will open where you can select individual variables or groups of variables to add to your parametric project. You can select multiple variables by holding down Shift or Ctrl.

Add from Project

Click on the folders where the Variables you need reside and then select the individual Variables

NOTE: You can select the folder and click Add Variables to add all of the variables that it contains instantly or select multiple by clicking while holding either the Shift key or the Ctrl key.

WARNING: Some expressions are dependent on other variables in those designs. You will want to make sure you import the expression and those dependencies so it will work properly. If the dependency is missing, Impact will display a message indicating that there is a Syntax error on the expression in question. To fix this you will need to identify the missing variable and import that into your parametric design. To do this simply reactivate Add Project Variables and select the missing variable to import.

Once you have selected the desired variables you should then click the Add Variables button. The variable(s) will be added to the Variables Window and can now be applied to dimensions using Assign or added to any expression.

The Variables have been added to the Project/Layer

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