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Use Threshold Rounding

This mechanism allows you to apply an overall Threshold Rounding to designated expressions using the rounding functions (e.g. CEIL, FLOOR, ROUND, etc…) within your parametric design. If this option is not activated then the true calculated value will be used.

To apply the Threshold Rounding first you must designate the value you wish to round to. This field can be found under Options>Environment>Environment>Measurements and Units. Simply select this option and at the bottom of the window you will see an area designated Standards. Check the Apply threshold rounding box and enter the value in the Default rounding threshold field. Click OK to apply this setting.

NOTE: This will now be a default setting based on your user log-in.

You will also notice an option to Use arbitrary rounding epsilon. Due to rounding errors, most floating-point numbers end up being slightly imprecise. As long as this imprecision stays small it can usually be ignored. However, it also means that numbers expected to be equal (e.g. when calculating the same result through different correct methods) often differ slightly, and a simple equality test fails. Impact defaults to the industry standard of 1E-07 which means that it will round the number based on the values occupying 7 places to the right of the decimal. Choosing a higher or lower Default rounding epsilon from the drop down list will round the overall value to the decimal places you wish Impact to use. For example, if you select 1E-04 it will adjust to round based on the values 4 places to the right of the decimal thus ignoring any other value after that.

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