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Design Components Library

This toolbox can be opened via the Window > Standard Toolboxes menu.

This toolbox allows insertion of Design Components and Symbols into the current 2D drawing layer.

The toolbox also provides a link to to allow the download & installation of Design Components & Symbols directly from the web, into the Database.

To the top-left of the toolbox, a pull-down list provides access to Symbols, Design Components or

To the top-right of the toolbox are four viewing options:

Large icons - displays a vertical arrangement of large thumbnail images for each component (or symbol) within a selected folder.

Small icons - displays a vertical arrangement of small thumbnail images for each component (or symbol) within a selected folder.

List view - displays a horizontal arrangement of small thumbnail images for each component (or symbol) within a selected folder.

Details - displays a vertical arrangement of the name & description for each component (or symbol) within a selected folder. No thumbnail image will be displayed.

Design Components and Symbols can be added to the current 2D drawing layer by direct drag & drop onto the drawing canvas or via a context-menu Insert option.

Either placement method will attach the component (or symbol) to the cursor, from where it may be 'snapped' to other geometry or placed within free space.

The context-menu also offers the following options:

Insert - inserts the component (or symbol) into the current 2D drawing layer. 

Open - opens the component (or symbol) for modification.

Add to Favourites - allows a component (or symbol) to be flagged as a 'Favourite' for quick access.

Remove from Favourites - allows a component (or symbol) which has been flagged as a 'Favourite' to be removed from the 'Favourites' list.

Quick View - displays a static full-screen preview of the selected component (or symbol). Left-click or Escape to close the preview.

Information - lists the details of a component or symbol over three tabs:

  • Information - displays information about the component (or symbol) including the code, reference, description, creation & modification details.
  • Dependent MTS - lists any Master Tool Settings which may utilise the symbol (or component). 
  • Invitations - lists any invitations relating to the symbol (or component)

Documents - this is only available when a symbol is selected and then only if you have Use Symbol documents switched on in the Database Installation > Documents settings. Picking this option opens the Documents Form for the selected symbol.

Refresh - repaints the contents of the Design Components Library.

NOTE: The link allows installation of on-line components via the Arden Package Installer. 


NOTE: Internet Access, a suitable SMC (Software Maintenance Contract) and a valid account are needed to download & install components via the web.


Related topics: Symbols

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