Impact 2024 now released, bringing with it a host of new features. Details here.

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Plot - General

Output from

From the pulldown list select Current layer, All visible layers, Current block or Selected entities to specify which entities to output.


From the pulldown list select Send, Pause & send or Don’t send.

If Send is selected then the output will go straight to the machine without displaying the Intermediate drawing first.

If Pause & send is selected then the Intermediate drawing will be displayed and the Edit Bar will contain buttons for Accept and Cancel.  Once you have reviewed the Intermediate drawing you can either press Accept to send the data to the machine or Cancel to stop the output process.

If Don’t send is selected then the Intermediate drawing will be displayed and the Plot tool will stop. Restarting the Plot tool when viewing the Intermediate drawing will skip the Plot form and go directly to the stage described above where the Accept and Cancel buttons are displayed.

Depending on the Post processor setting for Destroy intermediate drawing the intermediate drawing may be automatically closed after the tool has finished. If it has been left open it can be discarded using the File>Close tool.

Allow repeat plot

If this option is selected, you will be asked if you want to generate another plot after the current plot has finished.

Use palette visibility settings

If this option is selected then palettes whose visibility is switched off will not be output, regardless of the post processor Palette sequence entries.


Output to plotter

Select this option if the output is to be sent directly to the NC machine. The device that was chosen in the Machine attributes will be displayed in the field below the check-box.

Output to file

Select this option if the output is to be sent to a file. The path and filename will be displayed in the field below the check-box.  This path and filename can be overridden if required.

The output can be sent to both a device and a file.



Depending on the Environment options>Database Operation>Terminology>Orientation that has been set up this pulldown list will have different entries.

 Print-face/Die-face/Actual Outside-face/Inside-face/Actual Outside/Inside/Dieside
 As actual As actual Reverse Dieside 
 As viewed As viewed  As viewed 
 Mirror actual Mirror actual Dieside
 Mirror ‘viewed’ Mirror ‘viewed’ Mirror ‘viewed’
 Print-face Outside-face Outside
 Die-face Inside-face Inside


Select the required face to be visible when output.

If mirror is required

These options will only be available if one of the mirror options has been selected or if Print face has been selected for a Die face drawing or vice versa.

Select either Mirror about x-axis or Mirror about y-axis.


Enter the required rotation angle to be applied to the output.

Output bridges

Select this option is bridges are required in the output.

User Prompts

The user prompts and their default values, as set up in the Post Processors - User Prompts, are displayed here. Enter the required responses, some of which may be mandatory.

See also: Intermediate Drawing

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