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ZCC Driver

Plot - ZCC Driver

This page is only available if the current plot machine’s driver is set to Zund Cut Centre.

Job description

Enter the job description.


Override the default priority setting by choosing from the pulldown list HighMedium or Low.

Order no.

Use this field to override the default order number.

Due date

Use this field to override the default due date. The date must be entered in the format yyyy-mm-dd.

Creator’s name

Enter the name of the job’s creator.

Creation date

Enter the creation date in the format yyyy-mm-dd.

Creation version

Enter the version number.

Material name

Enter the name of the material that should be used for this job.


Use this field to override the default material GUID.


Enter the material thickness.


Enter the material length.


Enter the material width.

Number of copies

Enter the required number of copies.

Repetitions in x

Repetitions in y

Minimum distance in x

Minimum distance in y

Enter the required layout information for the numbers and separation in both the x and y directions.

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