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Environment - Language

Select the language you wish to use.

Translate settings

Select this option to enable the names and descriptions of compatible Master Tool Settings (MTS) to be displayed in the specified language (where appropriate translations have been configured). 

The following illustrates the steps required to further configure this feature, including the addition of a Memo type field to the [PTABLE] table which stores Impact's MTS records, and for which the 'Stores translation' option must be checked. The name given to the field to store translations is unimportant, though we recommend [VAL_TNAME] in this example.

Next, the [VAL_NAME] field, responsible for storing the default name of an MTS, needs to have its properties updated so that the 'Translations:' property reflects the newly added translation storing memo field.

It will then be possible to configure an alternate MTS name translation for each relevant language (and culture) as follows:

Enabling the 'Translate Settings' option will also allow for Table name and Field prompts to be translated where appropriate.

Importing Prompts from a .dbs file is also possible and supports updating both table and column prompts and their translations. This is done via Database->Administration->Table->Import Prompts.

In an Enterprise-enabled database any changes to prompts will need to be published out to sites. Enterprise Publishing for 'Database Column Prompts' therefore includes both table and column prompts and their translations.


From the drop-down list choose either As above or Use Windows to specify whether the settings should be translated to the Impact Language or the Windows Language.

When you Ok this form, it will take a few moments to redisplay the user interface in the new language.

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