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Environment - Toolbars 

Display Options

Large Icons

Switch this option on to increase the size of the toolbar buttons.

Use icons in tool editbar

Switch this option on if you want to use icons instead of text on the edit bar when running tools. For example, the edit bar when running the Trim Fillet tool without icons might look like this:

and with icons:

You can still see the text when using icons, by hovering the mouse over the icon. The appropriate help text will be displayed.

Show tool on editbar

Switch this option on to display the tool name, or associated icon, on the edit bar. In the above example you can see that the tool name Trim Fillet is displayed in the first picture and the Trim Fillet icon is displayed at the far left in the second picture.

Show ToolTips on toolbars

Displays on-screen descriptions of toolbar buttons when the pointer pauses on them. However, even if this option is switched off, the description is displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the screen.

Delay opening of sub menus

Pauses before showing a sub-menu when you are navigating through a menu (used to avoid flickering sub-menus).

Use multi-line toolbars

Switch this option on to allow individual toolbars to go over more than one line if they are too big to fit in the space available. Otherwise the missing toolbar items will be available via the More Buttons  icon.

Menu Animations

Changes the way menus display when you click on them. Choose from the following:

  • None
  • Random
  • Unfold
  • Slide
  • Fade

Display Style

Changes the way toolbars are displayed. Choose from the following:

  • Match Windows
  • Classic
  • Flat
  • XP
  • Office 2003

Tool Form Toolbar Layouts

Individual tool forms can have their own saved toolbar layouts. These are detailed here.


Press this button to alter the attributes of the highlighted entry using the Tool Form Properties form.


Press this button to remove the highlighted entry.

Clear All

Press this button to remove all of the entries in the table.

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