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File Locations

Workstation - File Locations

This page allows you set directory paths, specifying where Impact will find certain files. Unless otherwise specified, you can select a single path using the Select Folder form.


Press this button to create a new user-specific path.


Press this button to modify the selected path.


Press this button to unset the selected path.


Press this button to remove a user-specific path.

The Impact-defined paths are:

  • BLOB Geometry Cache – Location of cached geometry BLOB data
  • BLOB Settings Cache – Location of cached Settings BLOB data
  • Compiler Search – The macro libraries that Impact searches when compiling macros. Specify several folders - see Select Folders.
  • Database – Location of the database on the local workstation or server.
  • Database Projects – Location of the raw drawing files.
  • Documents Cache
  • Documents Storage
  • Graphic Images – Location of graphic files for linking or embedding into projects
  • Help – Location of any additional help files.
  • HTML Help – Location of HTML help files
  • Impact Fonts – Repository of Impact fonts in addition to Standard Windows font.
  • IPDS DOS Database - The path where the dBASE files are located
  • IPDS DOS Layouts - The path where the layouts are located. Specify several folders - see Select Folders.
  • IPDS DOS Squeeze - The path where the squeeze files are located. Specify several folders - see Select Folders.
  • Language – Repository of language files for multi-lingual support.
  • Local Plotter Machines – See Local Plotter Machines
  • Macros – Repository of macros run within Impact
  • Maintenance Logs – Location of where Impact will place maintenance logs during database administrating.
  • Plot Auto Programme Numbering – Points to the file that increments output to peripheral devices.
  • Plugins
  • Program – Location of the Impact executable file and associated DLLs.
  • Reports – Repository of any installed reports.
  • Temporary Files – Repository of temporary files written by Impact.
  • Users – Location of user folders and settings.
  • Works Order DLLs

Select Folders

This allows you to select an ordered list of folders using the Select Folders form.

Local Plotter Machines

This allows you to connect to existing local or network Windows printers without having to create local ports. With some versions of Windows you are unable to rename network printers to match the setting name required in Impact. Defining the printer here enables quick and easy renaming of print queue names.

Providing you have the privileges to do so, add a new network printer pointing to the correct device. Thereafter you will have a new printer name in your Windows print folder. Next you can add a new Local Plotter Machine and be able to change the name to match that of the plotter machine communication name in Impact.

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