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Dynamic Constraints

This tab displays information about any dynamic constraints and parametric dimensions associated with the currently selected entity. You can only have one entity selected for information to be displayed here.

Entity Inspector - Dynamic Constraints

The following constraint types are valid:

  • Cocircular
  • Coincident
  • Collinear
  • Concentric
  • Parallel
  • Perpendicular
  • Symmetrical
  • Equal Radius
  • Equal Distance
  • Normal
  • Tangent
  • Horizontal
  • Vertical
  • Equal Angle
  • Equal Length
  • Lock

The description typically comprises one of the following:

  • n entities (where n > 2)
  • n points (where n > 2)
  • Start point to End point (or similar)
  • n pairs (for the Equal Distance constraint)
  • n angles
  • Entity, start and end points (for the Lock constraint)

Valid parametric dimension types:

  • Dimension Entity
  • Fixed Dimension
  • Fixed Angle
  • Fixed Radius
  • Fixed Diameter

The description for these could include a value together with an expression involving variables

Selecting Constraints

When you select a constraint in the list the appropriate icon will be shown in the canvas and all associated entities and points will be highlighted.

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