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Palette Attributes - Rule Type

You can choose from six different rule types, each with different parameters.


This is the default type for standard rule and has no parameters to set up.


Select this option to create a combination rule, such as cut/crease or perforation.

Palette Attributes - Rule Type Combination

Palette 1

From the drop-down list select the palette.


Enter the length of each section of the first palette.

Explode on output

If this option is checked, the palette will be output as separate entities. If unchecked, it will output as a continuous line.

Palette 2

From the drop-down list select the palette.


Enter the length of each section of the second palette.

Explode on output

If this option is checked, the palette will be output as separate entities. If unchecked, it will output as a continuous line.

Main palette

From the drop-down list choose which of the two palettes is to be treated as the main palette.

End Mode

From the drop-down list select the option required, either Main at start or Main at centre. This defines how the two palettes will be arranged on the entity.

Min. End Length

Specify the minimum percentage length of the main palette which must exist at either end of an entity.


Select this option for zippered rule.

Palette Attributes - Rule Type Zippered


Enter the width of each zipper rule.


Enter the distance between zippers.


Enter the angle of the zipper.

Both ends

Switch this option on to add a zipper piece to each end of the line segments.


Enter the depth of the zipper. This value is only used if Override depth has been switched on.

Override depth

By default the zipper depth is calculated from the Gap and the Angle. Switch this option on to force the entered Depth to be used instead.


From the drop-down list select which side of the line the zipper should be, either Left or Right.


Select this option for wave rule

Palette Attributes - Rule Type Wave


Enter the distance between each wave.


Enter the height of each wave.

Start Offset

Enter the offset distance to the start of the wave pattern.


Enter the size of the vertical gap in the centre of the wave.


From the drop-down list select which side of the line the first wave should be, either Left or Right.


Select this option for ZigZag rule

Palette Attributes - Rule Type ZigZag


Enter the distance between each ZigZag


Enter the height of each ZigZag

Start Offset

Enter the offset distance to the start of the ZigZag pattern.


Enter the radius to be added at the top and bottom of each ZigZag.


From the drop-down list choose which side of the line the first ZigZag should be, either Left or Right.


Select this option for Cascade rule.

Palette Attributes - Rule Type Cascade

Step Offset

Enter the distance between each entity (as shown).


Enter the length of each entity.


Enter the angle of the entities, relative to the centre line.


From the drop-down list choose Left or Right. This defines which side of the centre line to offset the entities.

Side Offset

Enter the distance that the entities should be offset from the centre line.

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