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File Reference Checker

This form is opened when you choose the File Reference Checker tool from the Database Administration - Tools menu.

Database File Reference Checker

This tool is unavailable for databases using BLOBs for drawing storage.

The tool allows you to check all Projects, Working Projects, Templates, Symbols, Project Revisions and Documents for bad/missing files and/or duplicate file references. This can come about because drawings, documents etc. are simply stored as files which means the user could remove, rename or copy any of them outside of Impact using Windows operations.

You should switch on the required options and then press the Check button. Impact will display a message showing the progress of the task and when it has finished a report will be displayed showing what has been done. An extract from an example report is shown below.

File Reference Checker - Report

In the above example there are several missing files referenced by the Working Projects assigned to users TRAIN1 and TRAIN2. This is probably because those files have been manually moved or deleted.

There are also two files that are each referenced by two different working projects. It is not obvious how this might have happened, but it is again likely to be the result of a user manually moving Windows files around. This means that if you make a change to one of these working projects the same change will be made to the other.

There are also a number of missing document files. As before this is probably because they have been manually removed.

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