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Project Database Properties - HTTP Database Driver

This page describes the implementation of HTTP/HTTPS access to Enterprise databases.

Configuring Impact

First of all, you should connect to your primary database as normal.

Now, create a new database connection in Options>Workstation>Database Connections. Select the HTTP driver type and configure the connection to be the http or https address of the enterprise web services, as in the following example.

Project Database Properties - General

Once you have configured the database connection you need to configure the Browser.

Open the Impact Browser, right click in the tree view and choose Add Connection. Select the database connection you just created as in this example.

Project Database Connection

Now you should have a new database node in the tree view for the HTTP connection. An HTTP connection does not have a connected/disconnected state like a normal database connection. Each time resources are required from the connection an HTTP message is sent across the network and we must wait for a response.

The first thing to do is select the database node and press the Test Connection button. You should then receive a response from the web server.

If everything is working, you should now be able to expand the Projects and Customers nodes as well as view project lists. You can click on individual projects and the full project information is downloaded and displayed. Once this is complete the Layers and Revisions tabs are visible. Then the project drawing BLOB is downloaded.

Items are cached while the Browser is open, to improve performance. There is a Clear Cache on the right-click context menu for the http connection.

Once the drawing BLOB has been downloaded to the workstation, you can perform many of the normal project operations. These include Open, Quick View, Database, Palette and Symbol Usage, Print and Report Templates.

Advanced Queries

You can use Advanced Queries to search HTTP connections and multiple databases with a mixture of ODBC/ADO and HTTP connections as required.

Open the query and press the edit button next to the Look In edit box. You can now select the connections and folders within each connection to search, as in this example.

Advanced Search

Each database is contacted, the query is performed on the server and the matching drawings are returned and displayed in the browser.

Searching Databases

NOTE: The HTTP connection can be used without the full blown Enterprise installation. You just need to install the RESTful services and point it to any blobbed database. It can then be used to remotely access that database for viewing, downloading projects etc. It's useful to provide remote access to a database when a VPN is too slow or not available.

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