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Cluster Component

An individual cluster component contains the information required for the positioning of a single male stripping component.

Cluster Component

Male Stripper Component

Use Default

Select this option to use the default male stripping component for the Dynamic Stripping Component for this cluster component.


Select this option to override the default male stripping component defined in the Dynamic Stripping Component, and use an explicit Male Component for this cluster component.


If this option is checked, then the left hand component (if the component is of Claw type) is placed. Otherwise, the right hand component is placed.


Individual cluster components are placed relative to a single anchor point which, depending on the restriction type being placed, may be located along one of a number of different axes.


Select this option to place the component relative to a point along an axis that lies parallel to the restriction, at the component offset away from it.

The percent along value specifies how far along the axis you wish the component to be placed, with 0% referring to the start of the axis, 50% to the centre and 100% the end of the axis; use the Start, Centre and End buttons to quickly set these values, although any value can be set directly in the entry field.

The following restriction types support components placed relative to a restriction anchor: Normal, Parallel Offset, Point Slot, Freehand, Radii, Simple, Combi, BEBL, Castle Top, SK Nose and Solitaire.


Select this option to place the component relative to a point along an axis that lies parallel to the profile, at the component offset away from it.

The percent along value specifies how far along the axis you wish the component to be placed, with 0% referring to the start of the axis, 50% to the centre and 100% the end of the axis; use the Start, Centre and End buttons to quickly set these values, although any value can be set directly in the entry field.

The following restriction types support components placed relative to a base anchor: Normal, Parallel Offset, Point Slot, Freehand, Simple, Combi, Riding Knife Radii, Riding Knife Simple*, BEBL, Castle Top, First Knife, SK Nose, Trim Waste*, StripClip MiniClip, StripClip MaxiClip, StripClip SPC1, StripClip SC10, StripClip SC11, StripClip SR10*, StripClip RRS*, StripClip RRL*, and StripClip SCL.
(* - with no side restrictions)


Select this option to place the component relative to a point along an axis that lies parallel to the breaker, at the component offset away from it. There are two such axes, one to the left and one to the right; use the check box to distinguish between the two.

The percent along value specifies how far along the axis you wish the component to be placed, with 0% referring to the start of the axis, 50% to the centre and 100% the end of the axis; use the Start, Centre and End buttons to quickly set these values, although any value can be set directly in the entry field.

The following restriction types support components placed relative to a breaker anchor: Riding Knife Radii, Riding Knife Simple, First Knife, Trim Waste, Wood Bridge, StripClip SR10, StripClip RRS and StripClip RRL.


Select this option to place the component relative to the specified point within the waste area. There is no axis.

The following restriction types support components placed relative to a base anchor: Free.


These options allow you further control over the position of the component relative to the anchor point.

Parallel Offset

Moves the position of the cluster component by the given distance in a direction parallel to the profile (and restriction/base axes). Positive values move the position towards the left.

Perpendicular Offset

Moves the position of the cluster component by the given distance in a direction perpendicular to the profile (and restriction/base axes). Negative values move the position towards the base.


Rotates the cluster component by the given angle. An angle of 0 degrees, which is the default, places the component such that it lies perpendicular to the profile.

Conditional Placement

All Tools

If this option is checked, the cluster component will be placed with all restriction tools, provided that the restriction type supports the anchor selected.

Only Selected Tools

If this option is checked, the cluster component will only be placed with the specifically selected restriction tools in the list.

Width/Trim/Width Above

If the anchor is of type Restriction or Base, then checking this option allows you to specify a minimum value for the width of the restriction you wish this cluster component to be valid for; below this value, the component will not be placed.

If the anchor is of type Breaker, then checking this option allows you to specify a minimum value for the trim you wish this cluster component to be valid for; below this value, the component will not be placed.

If the anchor is of type Waste, then checking this option allows you to specify a minimum value for the offset from the profile you wish this cluster component to be valid for; below this value, the component will not be placed.

Width/Trim/Offset Below

If the anchor is of type Restriction or Base, then checking this option allows you to specify a maximum value for the width of the restriction you wish this cluster component to be valid for; above this value, the component will not be placed.

If the anchor is of type Breaker, then checking this option allows you to specify a maximum value for the trim you wish this cluster component to be valid for; above this value, the component will not be placed.

If the anchor is of type Waste, then checking this option allows you to specify a maximum value for the offset from the profile you wish this cluster component to be valid for; above this value, the component will not be placed.

Use the following radio buttons to decide where this component should be placed:

  • Only inside
  • Only outside
  • Both

All Female Components

If this option is checked, the cluster component will be placed with all female components.

Other Female Component

This allows the user to filter this cluster component so that it is only used if the chosen female component is active.

These two options are only available if either All Tools or Custom Component has been chosen above.

This enables extra filtering, as the tool can have a range of female components available.


Select the relevant component icon at the top of the page and a preview will be drawn to show you how the component will appear.

The preview for a Custom Component allows you to adjust the parameters, using the tabs at the bottom of the preview panel.

You need to read this disclaimer and check the box before continuing to the adjustment tab.

As you change the values on this tab, you should see the Custom Component preview change.

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