Impact 2024 now released, bringing with it a host of new features. Details here.

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IPDS v4 or earlier

This section refers to settings that apply to IPDS v4 drawings (or earlier version of IPDS).

IPDS v4 Import

Font Mapping

The text font in IPDS v4 was simply a number between 0 and 15. Use this section to map a currently installed text font to each of these 16 values.

Symbol Mapping

Make-ready holes

There was a Make-ready hole entity type in IPDS v4. Specify the required symbol from the database to use in place of any imported Make-ready hole entities.


There was a Point entity type in IPDS v4. Specify the required symbol from the database to use in place of any imported Point entities.

Punch Mapping

There was a Punch entity type in IPDS v4 which was given a diameter and a numeric type value between 0 and 255. Use this section to set up a number of Punch tables that contain mappings from IPDS v4 punches to symbols in the current database. Select the required Punch table to use for this MTS.

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