Impact 2024 now released, bringing with it a host of new features. Details here.

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Post Processors - Optimisation

Optimisation orders the design into a logical sequence for outputting to a machine rather than outputting the design in the drawn order and direction.

Optimise output

Enables all optimisation options. To preserve any manual optimisation, this option needs to be disabled.

Optimise output between BREAKs

If you choose this option the entities are output in an order which minimises tool travel. Only entities within the same section of the palette sequence are used to calculate the optimised order.

Tiled Optimisation

This option splits the design into sections to reduce the time required to optimise the entire design. Normally, the complete design will be optimised. Selecting this option will, for example, split the design into four sections and optimise each section individually.

The number of sections is determined by the number of entities that need optimising.  The more entities there are, the more sections will be created.

Explode blocks before optimisation

This option operates differently depending on the use of subroutines.

If not using subroutines and this option is on then any blocks will be exploded and the entire design will be optimised together for the best path.

If not using subroutines and this option is off then any blocks and the remaining design will be optimised individually before output.

If using subroutines and this option is on then any blocks will be optimised within their subroutine; multiple levels of subroutines will be exploded to the subroutine level set on the 'Subroutine Format' page and then optimised together.

If using subroutines and this option is off then any blocks will be optimised within their subroutine; multiple levels of subroutines will also be optimised within their subroutine.

Explode symbols before optimisation

Any symbols with the property Can Explode set to true will be exploded before the optimisation is carried out.

Continue optimisation at Breaks

At the beginning of each palette sequence section the optimisation will be calculated from the design origin by default.  Selecting this option will restart the optimisation from the last point.

Advanced Optimisation

Switch this option on to use one of the available advanced optimisation algorithms that is offered by Impact

  • Quick - Select this option for a quicker optimisation algorithm
  • Full - Select this option for better optimisation results. N.B. This option will disable the Optimise output for internal cuts option

Quick optimisation has been designed to create a trade-off between the running time of the optimisation algorithm and the quality of the optimisation. This setting is highly recommended for dieboards or any drawings with a large a number of entities to be optimised (typically more than 7000).

Full optimisation uses additional improvements to the new optimisation algorithm to further reduce the rapid travel in the final plot.

Optimise output for internal cuts

Ensures any entities within the perimeter of the design are output before the perimeter. Only those entities having a palette that has been specified as a cut out (See Palette used for cut outs on the Sequence Attributes page) will be considered.

Include inside perimeter lines

This option is only enabled if Optimise Output for Internal Cuts is selected. Any internal lines that also partially form part of the perimeter of a design will be output before the remaining perimeter. This is especially useful for sampling thin carton board or polypropylene to prevent the sample moving before the perimeter is cut.

Optimise combination lines

Combination lines such as cut/creases will be output in the order drawn by alternating the tool to output each segment of the line rather than outputting all the crease lines and then outputting all the cut lines.

Optimise slots

Select this option to enable the optimisation of internal and external slots.

Optimise coincident common knives

When Impact has output a block insertion it will look within the common knife block for any entities that are close to the block insertion that has just been output and these entities will be output next. This is a way of keeping laser (or other machine head) travel to a minimum.

However, if this option is checked, a common knife will only be output after a block insertion if it is coincident with an entity in the referenced block, rather than just being within its bounding box. It has been found that this is a way of further optimising laser travel.

Optimise crease tools

This option is only relevant if the option Tool 1 Horizontal / Tool 2 Vertical has been selected on the Post Processors – Palette Sequence page. It optimises horizontal and vertical crease entities to minimise the number of tool changes.

PrevSequence Attributes

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