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Sequence Attributes


Sequence Attributes - General

General - Selection


You can add palettes (or symbols, for Pick and Place machines) to the palette sequence by choosing one of the following methods:

  • Symbol Names – This method is only available for Pick and Place type machines. It is used to choose which symbols to output, rather than which palettes.
  • Palettes – Select individual palettes for inclusion in the palette sequence.
  • Palette Groups – Select an entire palette group for inclusion, e.g. add palette group 0 to a plot post processor and all entities will be plotted.
  • Palette Types – A type of palette can be selected such as type Perf instead of selecting every Perf palette in the database individually.
  • Palette Widths – Select all palettes of a certain width.

Palette – Select from the pulldown list the name of the palette, palette type, palette group or symbol for inclusion in the palette sequence.

Use regular expression – Palettes or symbol names can alternatively be selected by using wildcards. See also Wildcards and Regular Expressions.

A period (.) matches any character.
A set of characters enclosed in brackets ([]) is a one-character regular expression that matches any character in that set. E.g. “[ABC]” matches either “A”, “B” or “C”.
A one-character regular expression followed by an asterisk matches zero or more occurrences of the regular expression.
If a caret (^) is at the beginning of the regular expression, then the matched string must be at the beginning of the name.
If a dollar sign ($) is at the end of the regular expression, then the matched string must be at the end of the name.

For example:

"^.*2pt$" will match all palettes that end in 2pt.
“.*Generic_.*_2pt” will match palettes named Lascut_Generic_crease_2pt, Lascut_Generic_cut_2pt, Lascut_Generic_rotary_crease_2pt along with many others.
“^U.[1-5].*” will match palettes U01, U02, U03, U04, U05 but not U06.
"^D.._0,[78].*” will match palettes including DAL_0,71, DAL_0,71R and DAL_0,8.
".*[Tt]ight.*" will match palettes that include either Tight or tight

Palette width – Enter the required palette width, followed by a tolerance value.

General - Tools

Tool 1

From the pulldown list select a tool to be used as the primary or horizontal tool. This will list all the tools configured for this machine (see Tool Settings).

Output times

Enter the number of times the chosen palette is to be output using tool 1.

Tool 2

From the pulldown list select a tool to be used to cut bridges or vertical lines. This will list all the tools configured for this machine.

Output times

Enter the number of times the chosen palette is to be output using tool 2.

This will allow horizontal lines (say against the grain) to be output more times than vertical lines (with the grain).


Sequence Attributes - Options

Options - Options

Feedrate (%)

A feedrate can be specified for each palette sequence item. The default is 100%. This percentage will be applied to the feedrate value obtained from the feedrate table.

Palette used for cut outs

Any palettes specified to be used for cut outs will be considered for the optimisation option Optimise output for internal cuts. (See Optimisation page.)

Options - Shorten

Shorten at ends

This option shortens the ends of every entity drawn in the selected palette by the specified amount.

Shorten at bridges

This option shortens each entity at the start and end of a bridge by the specified amount.

Short line length

Any entity shorter than the amount specified will be output using power reduction (See Tool Settings). Longer entities will be output using normal power.

Shorten ends in space

Any entity that has an end in space will be shortened by the amount specified.


Sequence Attributes - Collision checking

Collision checking

This page is only available when Symbol Names has been chosen from the Method pulldown list.

Virtual symbol

Use the symbol selector button to choose the virtual symbol that should be used when checking for collisions with this symbol.

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