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Male Knife - Lengths

The Male Knife Lengths form is called from the Stripper Male Waste form.

Male Knife Lengths

These are legacy options.

End Reduction

Specifies the distance any offset male knives will be reduced; half the length will be reduced from each end of the entity.

Apply reduction at open ends only

If checked, half the end reduction distance will only be applied to ends of knives that do not intersect with another.


Min. line length

Specifies the minimum length of any male knife line entity that will be placed.


  • Ignore - any non-straight edges will not be contoured. 
  • Approximate using lines - non-straight edges will be contoured using lines, placed automatically to be within the standard-minimum offset range at all times (there is no ‘conversion factor’).
  • Allow - Specifies that arcs (which may be generated for contour/slots with non-straight edges) may be placed as male knives. If so, a Minimum arc radius may be specified.

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