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General - DSC

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Stripper System - General - DSC


Place DSC

If this option is checked then the Place DSC option on the Stripper Creator edit bar will default to be checked, otherwise it will default to be unchecked. The default dynamic stripping component settings can also be chosen from the drop-down list.

If materials have been defined, Material specific overrides can be made for this value by clicking the Material button.


The Stripper Creator generates warning messages which are displayed when you try to Save and Exit, and indicated by the colour displayed if the Completion/Clashes visibility option is turned on.

These are useful to help prevent unintentional user errors from occurring.

Warn if restriction width/depth is too small/large

If this option is checked, then minimum and maximum values can be defined for the width and depth of Normal, Point Slot and Parallel Offset restrictions; warnings will be generated if the width/depth of these restrictions is set to be a value outside of this range.

Warn if a region has no male waste components

If this option is checked, then warnings will be generated if a stripping area/region has no Male Waste Components associated with it.

NOTE: Even if only a single Male Waste Component is added, the area/region is considered by the Stripper Creator to be complete.

Clash Symbol

Allows you to define a symbol to be added to the drawing wherever a collision/clash occurs between two Waste Components, or a Waste Component and the profile.

Male Component Clash

The Clashes visibility option is a superior method of displaying these collision/clashes in the Stripper Creator itself.

Warn if male waste components clash with each other

If this option is checked then warnings will be generated if a stripping area/region has a collision/clash between two Male Waste Components.

Warn if male waste components clash with the profile

If this option is checked then warnings will be generated if a stripping area/region has a collision/clash between a Male Waste Component and the profile.

Female component clash

Warn if female components clash with each other

Similarly, if this option is checked then warnings will be generated if a stripping area/region has a collision/clash between two Female Waste Components.

PrevMaterial Specific Overrides
General - Male WasteNext

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