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Database Installation - Options

Database Logs

Log database errors to

When activated, any error messages generated from the ODBC drivers are appended to the specified file (normally "odbclog.ips" in the Database folder). These error messages can help if the database is behaving in unexpected ways. (These error messages can also be shown on the screen - see Database Operation - Dialogs.)

Clear error log when Admin connects

This option can be used to ensure the log file does not get too large.

Clear server logs which are older than

Specify an age (in weeks) to define when logs should be cleared.

Database logs can be viewed using Database - Administration.

General Options

User passwords

There are two options which allow you to control the security of user passwords:

  • Enforce strict user passwords - Enable this option to avoid weak passwords, by setting a minimum length of six characters, including a mixture of alpha and numeric characters and punctuation characters.
  • Allow empty user passwords - Unless this option is enabled, users are forced to have non-blank passwords.

These options are mutually exclusive; enabling one will grey out the other one. Changing these options will not affect any existing passwords, just new passwords. For further information, see the passwords section in the Overview of Users.

Use user group layer rules when checking out projects

This option allows you to restrict which layers users may modify. See User Groups.

Use project access invitations

Switch this option on to give specific users access to projects they would not normally be able to view or check out because of their user privileges, folder access rights or customer site associations.

Send a message when database locks cannot be cleared

A database lock can occur if two operations are trying to access the same table/field at the same time. The second user's operation is paused because the first user may be modifying the data. Normally, these clear automatically when the first user's operation terminates, and the second user's operation can continue. If the first user's session ends without a database disconnect, any locks would be cleared either during a reconnect to the database, or via a forced disconnect. If the lock(s) fail to clear, a message can be sent to a configurable user, so that the lock can be investigated.

Database Caching

Database caching optimises database access at the expense of memory usage. Use the slider bar to specify how much memory should be used for this.

Warn if time zone doesn't match

If the Impact client and the database use different time zones, this can result in incorrect dates and times being stored for items in the database.

Once this option is configured, any connection to the database checks the time zone of the PC against the database time zone. If they don't match, then the user is prompted to confirm they want to connect.

This option is off by default, and the time zone will default to the time zone of the workstation.

Microsoft SQL Server

When using advanced SQL Server security settings, it is important that tables can be accessed by all SQL Server logins and users. New tables will be created within the schema specified by the Default schema name. Existing tables that are modified will retain their existing schema.

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