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Project Revisions

Database Operation - Project Revisions

These settings control the behaviour of project revisions and linked revisions in conjunction with the Revisions settings in Impact Options - Database Installation.

Project revisions

Controls the behaviour of the Release Projects operation (from File - Update or from the Project Browser):

Create a project revision by default

Switching this option on causes the Create Revision option on the Release Projects form to be enabled by default.

Choose which version of the project to save in the revision:

  • Use the geometry being saved for the revision - this is the recommended method
  • Use the geometry from the last update for the revision - make the previous version of the drawing a revision, then use this version to make an update

Default revision comment

This comment can be modified via the Release Projects form.

Confirm multi-layer update action for all projects

Switch this option on if you want confirm the project update has occurred for all layers.

Allow layer revision numbers to be retained

Switch this option on to retain individual project layer revision numbers when updating a project. This will cause the Layers page of the Release Project form to be displayed.

Increment layer revision numbers by default when updating

This option controls the default behaviour of whether to increment or retain revision numbers when updating a project.

Linked revisions:

User can create and view linked revisions

If this option is switched on the Open Project form will show an option to create linked revisions. (Such linked revisions will be displayed in the Project Browser - Information Pane.)

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