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Properties - One-up

This form allows you to change the properties of a 3D One-up. It is opened when you right-click on the One-up object in the 3D View and select Properties from the context menu or right-click a one-up node on the 3D Scene tab of the Impact Explorer and select Properties

3D Properties - One-Up



The one-up layer name is displayed here.

Use Update Wizard

Switch this option on to cause the 3D Wizard to be executed when you press the Update button. Otherwise the update will be carried out with no user intervention.

Update Materials

Switch this option on to update the material details when you press the Update button.

Isolate Faces

If this option is checked and the model is Updated then no fillet geometry (rounding the corners between folding faces) will be created. Instead, faces will have square edges which might be desirable in certain circumstances.


Press this button to apply updates to the 3D view.

Board Thickness


Enter a new value for the board thickness.

Fold Centre

Enter a percentage value to specify where the board folds. The preview below will give a graphical representation of the fold position. You can also modify the fold centre by dragging the red dashed line in the fold centre preview picture.


This gives a view of the 2D layer showing a small cross where the base panel has been selected. You can choose a new base panel by identifying the required point on this preview drawing.

Base Position

Alternatively you can enter the coordinates of a point on the required base panel.

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