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Edit Explode

Use this form to determine which entities and attributes should be exploded. It is accessed from the Edit - Explode tool.

Edit - Explode


Blocks to entities

All blocks, which are normally treated as one entity, will be divided up into their individual entities.


If this option is selected then the process is recursive, so if the block has sub-blocks then these too are exploded.

Symbols to blocks

All symbols will be converted to blocks. The block name is based upon the original symbol name.


Text to lines

All text will be divided into individual lines and arcs (true-type fonts are represented by their outline).

Arcs To

If this option is switched on you need to decide how to explode the arcs from the following options.

Max. no.

Enter the maximum number of entities into which the arc can be exploded.


The Tolerance value specifies the maximum distance of the new lines from the original arc. (A tolerance value of zero causes the tool to use its default tolerance value.)


The arcs are approximated by lines.

arc segments

The arcs are split into shorter arcs that have the same end points that would have been assigned to the line segments if that option had been chosen.

quad segments

The arcs are split at their quadrant boundaries.

Beziers to arcs and lines

The Bezier curves are approximated by lines and arcs (using the tool's default tolerance value).

Dimensions to lines

All dimensions will be divided into individual lines, arcs and text entities.

Special text to text

Any text entities containing special text (such as items calculated from system functions, database fields, macros and so on) are converted into normal fixed text.


Bridged entities to

Entities containing bridges can be exploded in one of two ways:


Bridged entities will be divided into individual entities for each segment, with gaps between them.

1-2-1 format

Entities containing bridges which do not conform to the 1-2-1 format are split into smaller entities that do. Unlike the Bridged Entities explode method, these new entities are end-to-end and can therefore be rejoined. This method is often used when exporting the data to another system which only supports 1-2-1 bridging.

Palette composition

All entities that are assigned palettes with a rule type other than Normal (such as Combination or Zipper) will be divided into entities matching the manufacturing information pattern. (For example, a single cut/crease line will be broken into sections of cut line and crease line.)

It is worth noting that this is different to the way that the Plot tool operates. With this tool Impact respects the individual palette's Explode on output setting. However, the Export tool has options that allow you explode in either of these ways.

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