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List View

The List View pane:

  • Shows you the contents of the chosen folders or the results from executed Queries. (The items will be projects, symbols or templates, depending on what you have done.)
  • Allows you to view Details (tabular data) or view thumbnail images of the drawings. (You can configure the resolution of the thumbnails from Options - Environment - Database Installation, Thumbnail Images.) Note that if thumbnails were not enabled when the drawing was saved, then a generic image would be displayed instead.
  • Displays the information and preview when you click on an item.
  • Opens the project/symbol/template when you double-click the item.
  • Allows you to move the item into a different folder by clicking on and dragging the item into the Folders pane. (You can only do this in some cases, for example not when you are viewing by customer. Also drag-and-drop can be disabled from the Browser Options.)
  • Displays a context menu when you right-click an item, allowing you to open, release (for working projects), show database info, lock/unlock, cut/copy/paste/delete, export, view/modify the Properties and so on. See below for more details.
  • Displays a context menu when you right-click in the empty area, allowing you to Find, create new items, change your view and modify the Browser Options. See below for more details.

Right-click on an item to display the following options:

  • Open - Open the selected item
  • Release - Release the selected working project (only available for working projects)
  • Properties - Change the properties of the selected item
  • Quick view - Display the selected item in full screen mode
  • Database - Display the associated database values
  • Documents - View the documents associated with the selected item
  • Information - Display the project information. This is the same as the Information pane, but in a separate window
  • Palette or symbol usage - Display the Usage Report form
  • Cut - Remove the selected items and add them to the clipboard, ready for pasting into another folder
  • Copy - Copy the selected items to the clipboard, ready for pasting into another folder
  • Paste - Paste items into the current folder
  • Delete - Delete selected items
  • Select - All, None, Toggle - Select or deselect items in the current folder
  • Print - Print the displayed list of items
  • Export list - Export the displayed list of items to a .xml; .html; .txt; .csv; .xls or .xlxs document using the Export from Browser form
  • Export - Export the selected items to a database transfer (.dts) file using the Database export options form
  • Extract BLOB - For a Blobbed database, extract the geometry for the selected item to an Impact (.ipd) file
  • Replace BLOB - For a Blobbed database, replace the geometry for the selected item with that from an external Impact (.ipd) file
  • Locate - Locate the selected item in the folder tree. Open the appropriate tree branch and highlight the item
  • Lock - Lock the selected items, preventing other users from changing them
  • Unlock - If the selected items are locked, unlock them, allowing other users access to them
  • Print item - Print the selected item
  • Report Templates - From the list of configured Report Template MTS select the required one
  • Reports - From the drop-down list of configured printed reports, select the required one
  • Refresh - Refreshes the list of displayed items

Right-click in the empty area to display the following options:

  • Paste - Paste items into the current folder
  • Select - All, None, Toggle - Select or deselect items in the current folder
  • Search - Perform an advanced search using the Open Project form
  • Find - Find items that match a simple search phrase using the Find Projects pane
  • New - From the drop-down list choose Project, Master Project, Template, Symbol or Standard to create a new item
  • Print - Print the displayed list of items
  • Export list - Export the displayed list of items to a .xml document using the Export from Browser form
  • Options - Use this to configure the Browser Options
  • View- Switch the following options on or off
  • Refresh - Refreshes the list of displayed items

When viewing Details in the List View pane, you can:

  • Choose which database fields are displayed (using the Field Chooser button on the Advanced toolbar or from the Browser Options)
  • Sort by any of these fields (by clicking on the column heading)
  • Resize or move the columns by clicking/dragging the column headers
  • Group together records with the same data in a field (by using the Group By Box button on the Advanced toolbar to display the box above the column headings, then dragging a column heading into this box)
  • Use Advanced Filtering if this feature has been enabled in the Browser Options

The Standard toolbar contains tools for managing the items. Alternatively, right-clicking any item displays a context menu showing available tools.

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