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Common Listview Configuration

The following configuration is common to both Child Table ListView and Table ListView controls.

ListView Table Fields

By default all fields from the table are displayed. For a Table ListView this is all fields from the table specified in the DBW; for a Child Table ListView this is all fields from the child table for the table relationship selected.

All fields are checked by default with the exception of hidden and relationship keys. You can display these fields but they remain read-only.

Date/time columns that are configured as the modification storage columns are always read-only.

Field prompts are retrieved from the database column properties if configured.

You can show/hide fields by unchecking them.

You can change the order of fields.

You can change the formatting of individual fields using the Edit… button.

When editing the DBW MTS any new table columns are automatically added and invalid columns removed.

Dynamic/Static Lookup Fields

You can specify dynamic and static lookup fields to be used within a ListView control.

The dynamic lookup column uses a combo box which shows values from a related lookup table. A static lookup column shows additional values from a matching dynamic lookup column. You link dynamic and static lookup columns together by specifying the same table relationship.

You must have previously configured the table relationship to specify the keys from the child to a parent table.

You can add additional related fields by using the New… button.

If you add multiple columns for the same table relationship then the first column is always treated as the dynamic lookup and any additional columns are static lookups.

Static lookup columns are always read-only and updated automatically when the dynamic lookup is changed.

A dynamic lookup to USERS is supported if you add the appropriate table relationship. In addition it is possible to select the U_LOG_NAME, U_NAME display columns for USERS relationships. This will use the Impact formatting for users.

List Commands

Specify whether to use buttons or a context menu for commands.

Specify which commands are hidden if required.

Specify whether a delete confirmation is displayed.

Direct Editing

When using a Child Table ListView embedded within some internal DBWs you can use Direct editing of values. This means you can enter values directly into the ListView control rather than use a separate DBW for editing values. This is typically used within the DRAWINGS, LAYERS, ONE_UP, MULTI_UP, USERS and SITES DBW’s.

When using direct editing you must ensure that all non-null columns are visible within the ListView.

When using a Table ListView or a Child Table ListView within a custom database table (typically from the Impact Database menu) you cannot use direct editing.

DBW Editing

Alternatively you can use DBW Editing which uses a modal DBW to edit each row of the ListView. This is also required if you need to use some of the advanced controls available in a DBW for each child row.

Configure a DBW to use for editing the records. If you don’t specify a DBW then the DBW mapping for the connected user will be used.

When using DBW editing you typically do not have to include all fields within the ListView control, you can display a subset of fields and then the DBW configured for editing can use all fields as required.

List Display

Various formatting options for the ListView are available.

Image Columns in Table ListViews and Child Table ListViews

Database columns containing Picture data can be included in Table ListViews and Child Table ListViews within a DBW. You should only use columns that you know contain image data (JPEG, PNG or BITMAP data) such as data saved by a DBW Image Control.

Picture columns are not made visible by default, however you can enable them as required.

Formatting Image Columns

There are a few formatting options available with picture columns (click on Data Format when adding/editing the picture column). You can specify the default column width, the vertical alignment and whether the image auto sizes to fit the column cell.


Image fields can only be left or centre aligned (Display Options->Data Align above) within a column.

You can configure multiple image fields as required.

By default images will resize as the ListView column width changes; all remaining columns are vertically centred in the row. The example below shows a Table ListView.


ListView Column Layouts

With the addition of image columns there can be a lot of wasted space when pictures auto size and take up a lot of vertical space.

It is now possible to create a visual layout of columns that utilises this space by moving columns that are between pictures onto multiple rows. You can therefore stack columns to create layouts with multiple rows - such as these.

This example shows 3 picture columns and other stacked columns between them.


These layouts are also useful when ListViews are embedded in the Impact Explorer Database tab as typically this has limited horizontal space. By using a layout you can increase the amount of information visible in each ListView row.

The layouts are created while editing a DBW MTS and using the Test mode. Layouts are ONLY available if one or more picture columns are visible.

Configure the columns as normal in the fields list and set an appropriate column order. Then enter DBW Test mode and configure the ListView.

Layout Bands

Columns are grouped into multiple bands; one band for sibling image columns, one band for sibling normal columns, one band for sibling image columns etc.

For the example above the following bands are created.


  • You CAN change the width of each column.
  • You CAN move normal columns onto new rows in their band.
  • You CAN change the height of each image column. If you find the image isn’t resizing vertically you extend an image column so it is one line higher than all other single line columns in surrounding bands. This allows it to automatically resize vertically, otherwise the image column may maintain the same height as the surrounding bands.
  • You CANNOT change the height of normal columns.
  • You CANNOT move columns between bands, you must change the column order in the field list to achieve this.

Saving the Layout

Once you have configured the columns you must save the layout before closing the DBW - it is not saved automatically. If the ListView has button commands shown then the Clear Layout and Save Layout buttons are shown, otherwise the commands are available on the context menu for the ListView. These layout commands are only available in DBW test mode - not when using the dialogue.

The layout is saved in the DBW and applied when using the DBW. The user can change the widths of columns but they cannot move or vertically resize picture columns - this can only be done in DBW test mode.

The user's column widths are saved and restored in their user settings.

Clearing the Layout

You can clear any saved layout from the DBW settings and the ListView will return to a single height column header with the default column ordering and column widths.

Saved user column widths will still be restored when they use the DBW.

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