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Rubber Nesting Settings

Rubber Nesting Settings - Nesting Parameters

Angular resolution

These are the increments of rotation by which blocks will be rotated to achieve the best fit. From the dropdown list choose No rotations, 45 degrees, 90 degrees, 180 degrees or Custom angle (in which case you should enter the required angle).

Nesting direction

This option determines the direction in which the sheet is filled. Choose either Horizontal or Vertical.


Enter the tolerance between the nested parts. (Note this is plus or minus the gap specified in the Rubber Sheet Setup.)

Recursive nesting

Switch this option on to allow part in part nesting.

Preferential hole filling

Switch this option on if you want the tool to check to nest blocks within cut-outs in other blocks before nesting outside.

Allow mirroring

Switch this option on to allow blocks to be mirrored.

Join common edges

Switch this option on if you want to check to see if nested blocks can be common cut.

Sequence by area

Switch this option on if you want to nest blocks in order of largest to the smallest.

Use exact nesting

This option allows blocks to be common cut.

Use paired clusters

Switch this option on to nest blocks in pairs of the same name. Within each pair, one will be rotated 180deg more than the other.

Reset block origins

Switch this option on if you want to move the block origins to the bottom left.

Group one-up parts together

Where a layout contains several different one-ups, switch this option on to group the rubber blocks from each one-up together.

Use separate sheet

Switch this option on if the rubber blocks from each one-up should be placed on a separate sheet.


Switch this option on if a rectangular border is to be drawn around each group of different one-up rubber blocks. This is particularly useful when the Use separate sheet option is off, as it helps to identify the different one-ups.


From the pulldown list choose the palette in which to draw the border.


Enter the offset from the rubber blocks' extents to the border.


Switch this option on to group together multiple copies of the same rubber block. 

Grouping number threshold

Only group together if there at least this number of copies of the block.

Group into clusters

When this option is switched on the multiple copies of the same rubber block are clustered together and a new part is created which is effectively a parent of these parts. That clustered group is then passed to the nesting library to be nested as if it were a single part.

When running the Rubber Nester tool you can go back to the Rubber Types - Parts page of the Rubber Nesting Wizard to see the clusters listed in the Parts table.

Rubber Nesting Settings - Sheet Parameters

Nesting destination

From the pulldown list choose either New Layers or New Blocks. If you choose New Layers a new drawing layer will be created for each sheet generated. Whereas if you choose New Blocks one new drawing layer will be created with sub-blocks of each nested sheet size.

Max default sheets

Enter the maximum number of sheets that can be produced in the nested result.

Draw stock sheet borders

Switch this option on to add a border showing the rubber sheet size.


Select the palette in which to draw the stock sheet border.

Draw stock sheet sizes

Switch this option on if you want to create a text entity displaying the stock sheet sizes.

Draw fitted sheet borders

Switch this option on to draw a border showing the rubber sheet size.


Select the palette in which to draw the fitted sheet border.


Enter an offset to apply to the fitted sheet border.

Draw cut lines

This option will add a cut line or lines at the edge of each nested block, causing the sheet to be split at that point.


Select the palette in which to draw the cut lines.


From the pulldown choose Single line, Double line or Frame. Single line will just create a horizontal cut line at the y-extents of the nested block. (If Nesting direction is Horizontal this will be a vertical cut line at the x-extents.) Double line will also create a vertical cut line at the x-extents (or a horizontal cut line at the y-extents). Frame will create a rectangle of cut lines around the extents.

Single line overrun

Enter the distance to extend the cut lines

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