Impact 2024 now released, bringing with it a host of new features. Details here.

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Male Knife - Sizes

The Male Knife Sizes form is called from the Stripper Male Waste form.

Male Knife Sizes

Knife size

Displays a list of the defined knife sizes.


Will open a further dialog to allow a new knife size to be defined.


Will open a further dialog to allow the highlighted knife size to be edited.


Will delete the highlighted defined knife size.

Minimum spacing

Specifies the minimum distance between two automatically created knives offset at the same angle.

Maximum spacing

Specifies the maximum distance between two automatically created knives offset at the same angle.

Choose sizes for best coverage (recommended)

If this option is checked, on long straight sections where multiple knives must be used, then Impact will choose knife sizes such that the best coverage (pushing knives to the ends) is achieved.

Otherwise, Impact will fall back to an older method of choosing sizes, which may result in better symmetry at the expense of coverage.


  • Ignore - any non-straight edges will not be contoured. 
  • Approximate using lines - non-straight edges will be contoured using lines, placed automatically to be within the standard-minimum offset range at all times (there is no ‘conversion factor’).
  • Allow - Specifies that arcs (which may be generated for contour/slots with non-straight edges) may be placed as male knives. If so, a Minimum arc radius may be specified.

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