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General - Materials

This is a sub-page from the Stripper System - General page.

Many values in the stripper system settings are generally material specific; the widths and depths of restrictions, male waste component offsets and so on tend to be different depending on the type or caliper of the material being stripped.

To avoid the scenario of having duplicated settings which are material specific, material integration allows you to define material specific overrides for the relevant settings. If Impact is configured to use material variables, and they are set correctly, it can even automatically select the correct material for you.

Stripper System - General - Materials

This page allows you to define the groups of materials you wish to make available.


Press this button to open the Material Group form to allow a new material group to be defined.


Press this button to open the Material Group form to allow the highlighted material group to be edited.


Press this button to remove the highlighted defined material group.

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