Impact 2024 now released, bringing with it a host of new features. Details here.

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Geometry Analysis Toolbox

This toolbox can be opened via the Window > Standard Toolboxes menu. It requires at least one Geometry Analysis master tool settings. On the right click context menu you have following options:

  • Next - will locate the next item in the list and zoom into its location.
  • Find All - this will clear any current entries and apply the current setting selected.
  • Fix Selected - will attempt to fix the highlighted entry in the list; this can applied at the top level or at a single sub entry. Depending upon the option you are fixing you may be offered a choice of fix methods to apply. This option will only be available for the modes where the auto fix has been enabled.
  • Fix All - Attempt to fix all entries in the list.
  • Mark as Fixed - if you manually fix a problem or if this entry isn't a problem for this design then you can manually mark this as fixed. If Hide Fixed is enabled then the entry is removed from the display.
  • Hide Fixed - any problems that have been automatically fixed or marked as fixed will not be displayed.
  • Hide Invalid - will not display any entities that have been deleted by an automatic fix.
  • Show Details - will display the properties of the selected entry in the list.
  • Show Markers - will toggle the markers on the drawing indicating all the problem areas found.
  • Verify - if this option is enabled then after any fix operation all entries in the list are checked to see if they are still valid.
  • Refresh - this will check all entries in the list to see if they are still valid, so this could be considered a manual verify option.

The following button controls for this toolbox are:

  • Zoom In - allows you to zoom in to the current item in the list.
  • Zoom Out - allows you zoom out of the current item in the list.
  • Find All - this will clear any current entries and apply the current setting selected.
  • Clear - will remove all entries in the toolbox and remove any display markers.
  • Next - will locate the next item in the list and zoom in to its location.
  • Fix - will attempt to fix the highlighted entry in the list; this can applied at the each top level check or at a single sub entry. Depending upon the option you are fixing you may be offered a choice of fix methods to apply. This option will only be available for the modes where the auto fix has been enabled.

Geometry Analysis Toolbox

Fixing entities

This is a brief description of what happens when you apply the Fix to each of the individual analysis checks.

Bad arc radius

Impact will change the radius of the arc to a valid value as defined in the settings, whilst retaining connectivity with adjacent entities.

There are two possible methods for fixing a bad arc radius. You can choose which to use by selecting the appropriate icon:

Slot with angled sides

Impact will analyse the entities connected to the arc to see if it looks as the though it is part of a slot. If it, then selecting this option will cause the angles of the slot sides to be maintained when the fix is applied and the arc is given a valid radius.

Distance separated sides

Similarly, selecting this option will cause the distance at the top of the slot to be left unchanged when the fix is applied and the arc is given a valid radius. If the arc does not appear to be part of a slot, then this will be the only option available.

Bad intersection

This fix will extend or trim the entities as required, in the same way that the Trim > Intersect tool would do.

Coincident entities

Depending on the settings, this fix will either merge coincident entities or remove overlapping sections.


This fix will split the intersecting entity or entities.

Ends in space

There is no fix available for this one. The Fix button will always be disabled.

Exploded entities

The entities will be rejoined into a single entity.

Near ends

Impact will change the end points of the identified entities according to one of three options. You can choose which option to use by selecting the appropriate icon:

Average point

An average of all of the close points is calculated and each point is move to this newly calculated location.


Join with nearest

The point to be moved will be made the same as the closest entity's start or end point.


Join with first end-point

Any close points will be moved and made the same as the source entity's start or end point.


Nearly horizontal or vertical

Impact will adjust the entities in question to make them either horizontal or vertical, using one of three methods. You can choose which method to use by selecting the appropriate icon:

Rotate about centre

The start and end points of the entity will be moved, but the centre point will remain unchanged.


Rotate about start

The start point of the entity is unchanged, whilst the end point is free to be moved.


Rotate about end

The end point of the entity is unchanged, whilst the start point is free to be moved.


Nearly tangential

A new intersection point for the two entities will be calculated such that they now meet tangentially.

Short entities

The relevant entities will be deleted.


The entities will be converted into a simpler type, so long as they don't lose a significant degree of accuracy.

Unbridged paths

There is no fix available for this one. The Fix button will always be disabled.

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