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Auto-Number Rules - Auto-Number Rule

The AutoNumRule will allow a rule for each destination column to be defined.

The same Auto-Numbering MTS could be used for multiple rules; for instance you may be storing the same auto-number code in two columns such as DRAWINGS.D_CODENUM and DRAWINGS.D_NAME. In such cases only a single auto-number code is generated and the same value assigned to both columns.

You can use the Description field to determine what each rule is for.

The Enabled field can be used to disable a rule, but still leave it in place and configured.

Auto-Number Rule - Destination


From the drop-down list choose the required database table, such as DRAWINGS, LAYERS etc.


From the drop-down list choose the required column. The members of this list will depend on the table chosen - it will generally just contain character type fields.


Check the required items to specify which drawing types this rule should apply to.


From the drop-down list choose the required Master Tool Setting.

Auto-Number Rule - Options

Copied Layers

This option is only available if a Layer type table has been chosen. From the drop-down list choose Always replace code, Retain code, Prompt user (Retain) or Prompt user (Replace). When saved layers are copied in the same project or from another project these properties will determine the appropriate action for the destination column.

Inserted Master Layer settings

This option is the same as the above, but it refers to when master layers have been inserted into the project.

Replace existing codes at Save

Normally for a Save operation only columns with values that are missing will be generated, this will leave any existing codes.

Replace existing codes at Save As

Normally for a Save As operation all auto-number codes would be replaced. However, in some cases customers may not want to replace codes used in some columns or layers.

If the destination column is uniquely indexed then this option will not be available and will always be configured to true.

Always generate new auto-number code

Normally codes generated for auto-numbering settings are cached and reused during the auto-numbering operation. If you want a unique code for each destination column switch this option on.

Auto-Number Rule - Enabled

One or more criteria can be added such that this rule will only be enabled when all the criteria are satisfied. See Auto Number Rule Criterion.

  • Add - add a new criterion.
  • Change - change the highlighted criterion.
  • Delete - delete the highlighted criterion.

 - Use these buttons to alter the list order.

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