Impact 2024 now released, bringing with it a host of new features. Details here.

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Configure Case Compression Formulae

Configure Case Compression Formulae

BCT Formula

Specify a formula to calculate the Box Compression Test.

Use default (McKee formula)

Press this button to automatically put the McKee formula into the above entry field.

ECT Formula

Specify an inverse formula to compute the Edge Crush Test.

Use default (McKee formula)

Press this button to automatically put the McKee formula into the above entry field.

ECT Advanced Formula

When using advanced corrugated materials, specify a formula to compute the Edge Compression Test.

Use default (Advanced Corrugated formula)

Press this button to automatically put the default formula into the above entry field.

Debug Case Compression Formula

Switch this option on to enable Standard Variables to be displayed when configuring the Case Compression values.

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