Impact 2024 now released, bringing with it a host of new features. Details here.

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Dynamic Constraints

This toolbox can be opened via the Window > Standard Toolboxes menu.

Dynamic Constraints

The Constraint Manager is activated using the Constraint Manager Toggle.

Constraint Manager Status

This area of the toolbox describes the current status of the model.

The initial message is one of the following:

  • Constraint Manager is inactive
  • Constraint Manager is active and the model is valid
  • Constraint Manager is active but the model contains errors and could not be solved

If the model contains errors, then any entities or constraint icons that are in an error state will be drawn in the error colour as defined in the Environment Options > Colours. Hover the mouse over one of these entities or icons and the appropriate error message, such as Over Defined, will be displayed in the constraint toolbox.

The next message describes the number of underdefined entities. If there are some underdefined entities then you will be prompted to switch on the Underdefined Geometry visibility option. You can then hover over any underdefined entities and the full description, such as Start Point: Position Underdefined, will be displayed in the constraint toolbox.

Constraint Analysis

Switch this option on to begin auto-constraining of the model.

Use selected entities only

Click the down arrow  and switch this option on if you only want to analyse selected entities.

After switching on Constraint Analysis you'll see one of the following messages:

  • The model is fully defined, no additional constraints are required
  • Constraints analysis completed. Suggested additional constraints:-

Any suggested constraints will be listed below. You can then click on each of the constraint icons in the list and those constraints will be added automatically.

If the Lock constraint is suggested, then you'll need to add that manually, using the Constraint Add Lock tool.

Automatic Dimensions

A number of Impact tools can automatically create parametric dimensions. If the currently running tool supports this feature this section of the toolbox will be displayed.

Automatically create dimensions

Switch this option on if you want the tool to automatically create parametric dimensions. Click the down arrow to access the Select Dimension Settings form, where you can choose the appropriate Master Tool Settings to use with the dimensions.

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