The project Browser toolbar is split into three sections. The tools available from each section are as follows:
- Close - quit the Project Browser.
- Keep browser open - leave the Project Browser displaying when normally it would close (for example, so that you can open multiple projects without having to reopen the dialog each time).
- New (Project, Master Project, Template, Symbol or Standard) - the same as File - New - Project, File - New - Master Project, File - New - Symbol, File - New - Template, File - New - Standard.
- Open - open the highlighted project, template or symbol for modification. For projects, the Open Project form appears.
- Update - update a project from your working area. Note that you cannot use this if the project is currently open, use File - Update instead.
- Discard - discard a project from your working area. Again, this cannot be used with an open project.
- Quick View - show a full-screen preview of the highlighted project, template or symbol. Press any key to return to the Project Browser.
- Database - show the database information (read-only) for the highlighted item. See Project Database.
- Documents - show the documents for the highlighted item. See Project Documents.
- Information - shows an Information form, containing the equivalent of the Information Pane and the Preview Pane. This could be useful if you have one or both of these hidden in the main Project Browser form itself.
- Report templates - produce a Report of the highlighted project. See Utilities - Report Templates - Report.
- Print - print the highlighted project, template or symbol.
- Find - displays the Find area at the top of the List View Pane. (It allows you to search for projects, templates or symbols, depending on which folder you have highlighted when you activate it.) Use Advanced Find to run a database query.
- Cut - use in conjunction with Paste to move highlighted items to another folder.
- Copy - use in conjunction with Paste to copy highlighted items to another folder.
- Paste - add cut/copy items to currently selected folder.
- Delete - permanently remove the currently highlighted project(s), template(s) or symbols(s).
- Options - display the Browser Options form.
- View (Large, Small, List, Details, Information Pane, Preview Pane, Folder Toolbar, Standard Toolbar, Advanced Toolbar) - change the display of the List View Pane or show/hide panes and toolbars.
- Refresh - redisplay the contents of the List View Pane to reflect any changes made by other users.
- New Folder - create a new project, template or symbol folder (group). The new folder will be created below whichever folder is currently highlighted in the Folders Pane
- Rename - rename the currently highlighted folder
- Move To - move the currently highlighted folder below a specified folder
- Copy To - copies the currently highlighted folder to a specified folder
- Delete - remove the highlighted folder, all items (projects, symbols or templates) in it and all sub-folders
- Properties - view/modify the folder properties
Note that all operations can be also activated from the context menu, by right-clicking a folder in the Folders Pane.
- Connect - connect to the remote database highlighted in the Folders Pane
- Disconnect - break the connection to the highlighted remote database
- Lock - prevent other users from modifying the highlighted project(s)
- Unlock - remove the lock from the highlighted project(s)
- Group By Box - if showing Details (see Standard - View, above), then this shows/hides the Group By box at the top of the List View. Drag a column into the box to reorganise the data shown
- Field Chooser - if showing Details (see Standard - View, above), then this allows you to show additional columns in the List View, by dragging the column names from the Customization form onto the List View column headings. (Arrows are drawn where the column will be inserted.) Remove the column by dragging it back to the Customization form.
Feature Change History
The following changes have been made to this feature.
History of Change | Version |
Project Update and Layer Revision Simplification (Update and Discard are now separate tools) | 2024 |