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Rubber Settings

To run the Hole/Flap rubber tool or the Path rubber tool, you need to create a Hole Rubber Master Tool settings. The Hole Rubber form can be opened from the Master Tool settings, Hole Flap rubber tool or the Path rubber tool.

Rubber Settings


Enter the unique MTS name.


Enter an optional description for these settings.

To layer

The geometry created by the tool can be transferred to another layer by checking this option. The layer can be chosen from the pulldown list or a standard layer name can be typed into this field.

Block Name

Specify the name for each block.

Use palette

If you want to specify the palette for the new geometry check this option and from the palette pulldown list choose the palette required. If this option is not checked, the current palette will be used when the tool is run.

Explode cut-crease entities

If this option is checked, any cut-crease type entities will be profiled as individual cut and crease entities, as defined in the palette attributes. If it is not checked, then any cut-crease type entities will be profiled as cut type entities.

Profile strip knives

This option applies to the Path rubber tool only. It determines if any entities intersecting with the chosen path will be profiled or if the blocks are to be split at the intersection point.

Minimum area

Blocks with an area less than the specified amount will be deleted upon accept.

Initial offset

Enter the distance to offset from the original geometry.

Rubber width

Enter the width of rubber.

Start/End cut-back

This option applies to Path rubber only when the option Profile strip knives is not checked. When the path chosen is broken by an entity intersecting it and spitting the rubber, the block will be cut-back from this point by the value specified.

Sharp corners on path

Specify if the offset geometry will be trimmed with a fillet or corner.

Overlapping block cutback

If a block overlaps an existing block, then both blocks will be trimmed back by this amount from their intersection points.

Mask 1 parameters

These are the allowances made for any crease entities.

Offset 1

Enter the parallel distance from the crease entity to the first mask.

Offset 2

Enter the parallel distance from the first mask line to the second.

Start and End

These apply to Simple mask only. Enter the angles of the joint lines for profiling the masks.

Cut crease mask parameters

These apply to Hole rubber only. They are the allowances made for cut-crease type entities or paths of separate cut and crease entities.

Offset 1

Enter the parallel distance from the crease entity to the first mask.

Offset 2

Enter the parallel distance from the first mask line to the second.

Start and End

These apply to Simple mask only. Enter the angles of the joint lines for profiling the masks.

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