Impact 2024 now released, bringing with it a host of new features. Details here.

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Grid / Nudge

Environment - Grid / Nudge


Using the nudge keys (default keys are the arrow keys) on the keyboard, selected geometry can be moved across a layer in specified increments (default is 1.00mm).

Alternatively, the nudge keys can be used to incrementally alter the length of the lines being created in many of the draw tools. These tools are:


Holding the Shift key in conjunction with the nudge keys allows different increments to be used (default is 10.00mm)


Holding the Ctrl key in conjunction with the nudge keys allows different increments to be used (default is 0.10mm)

These increments can be overridden from the Nudge Settings floating toolbox.

Grid Intervals

This section is used to configure the grid snapping parameters, which define a reference grid to help you enter geometry. The grid can be displayed using View - Visibility. There are three different interval sizes that can be defined for a Cartesian grid. Each of these can have a hotkey (displayed alongside) which can be configured in the Options > Environment > Keyboard.

Small Interval

Enter the required size for the small interval.


Enter the required size for the standard interval.

Large Interval

Enter the required size for the large interval.

Angle Interval

Enter the required angular interval to be used with a polar grid.

Grid Co-ordinates

Choose the required coordinate system - Absolute or Relative.

Grid Type

Choose the required type - Cartesian or Polar.

The interval sizes, and which one to use, can also be set from the Grid Settings floating toolbox.

The coordinate system and grid type can also be chosen from the Layer Status Bar at the bottom of the drawing window. The examples below show two possible settings:-

Layer Status Bar showing Absolute - Cartesian

Layer Status Bar showing Relative - Polar

Feature Change History

The following changes have been made to this feature.

History of ChangeVersion
Grid and Nudge Settings2024

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