Machine Attributes - mruleset - Rule Preparation Output
The settings are used to configure the output stage of the mruleset process.
Select this option if bridges are to be generated.
Notch instead of bridge
Select this option if the notch tool should be used in place of the bridge tool for arcs that have a radius smaller than that specified.
No bridges for arcs
Select this option if bridges should be suppressed for arcs that have a radius smaller than that specified.
Notches at bridge
Select this option if the notch tool should be used in place of the bridge tool for bridges that are shorter than the specified size.
Ignore notches
Select this option if notches should not be output.
Close bends
Where two bends are close together on the same rule an adjustment needs to be applied to the bend position.
Maximum distance
Enter the maximum distance for two bends. Bends further apart than this will not have the adjustment applied.
Reduction factor (%)
Enter the adjustment that should be applied to the bend position.