Impact 2024 now released, bringing with it a host of new features. Details here.

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Settings Export Wizard

This wizard creates a zip file containing various files and settings useful for technical support.

It can also be used to create an archive of the settings contained in this database. Such an archive could be used to create a new database or send settings to another database site.

Settings Export Wizard - General Files

Use the check-boxes to define which of the general settings you want to export. Alternatively you can switch off the top-level check-box to prevent any of these settings from being exported.

Settings Export Wizard - User Settings

Use the check-boxes to define which of the user settings you want to export. Alternatively you can switch off the top-level check-box to prevent any of these settings from being exported.

Settings Export Wizard - Master tool Settings

Zip referenced symbols

Switch this option on if you want to export any symbols that are referenced by the Master Tool Settings that are exported.

Zip referenced templates

Switch this option on if you want to export any templates that are referenced by the Master Tool Settings that are exported.

Zip history

Switch this option on if you also want to include the history versions of the Master Tool Settings that have been created as changes have been made to those settings.

Use the check-boxes to define which of the Master Tool Settings you want to export. Alternatively you can switch off the top-level check-box to prevent any of these settings from being exported. Some MTS categories contain several types of settings. For instance, the Diemaking group contains Automatic nicking, Blanker, Dieboard, Dovetail and many more. By expanding the tree list you can specify which of these sub-groups to export.

Settings Export Wizard - Templates

Choose the required option from the radio buttons:

  • Single file containing all selected groups - create just one file (within the zip file) for all template groups
  • One file per selected group - create a separate file (within the zip file) for each template group

Use the check-boxes to define which of the Templates you want to export. Alternatively you can switch off the top-level check-box to prevent any of them from being exported.

Settings Export Wizard - Symbols

Choose the required option from the radio buttons:

  • Single file containing all selected groups - create just one file (within the zip file) for all symbol groups
  • One file per selected group - create a separate file (within the zip file) for each symbol group

Use the check-boxes to define which of the Symbols you want to export. Alternatively you can switch off the top-level check-box to prevent any of them from being exported.

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